Radical. Regenerative. Retrofit.

We create a customized Field Guide to help you reduce resource consumption, electrify and reduce energy bills, and do so using healthy, salvaged and toxin-free products.

radical | rad·i·cal | \ ˈra-di-kəl

  1. growing from the root

  2. of or relating to the origin

  3. very different from the usual or “traditional”

Find us at Backwater Book's Local Author Night, April 25th!


Find us at Backwater Book's Local Author Night, April 25th! 〰️

This is not just an outline of low-hanging fruit energy upgrades and electrification. It is a story of regeneration, circularity, beauty and health. It is a guide to how you can make a difference to the planet, society and your economic resiliency.

What You Get.

A Phasing Plan

Envelope Details

Water Cycle

Materials List

Systems Recommendations

Case Study

Our mission is to provide every homeowner with resources, details and guidance from experts in the field of architecture and energy efficiency to develop a retrofit path for your home to use less energy and water and to be healthier for you and the climate. Your customized Radical Regenerative Retrofit Field Guide is available for $275*.

*This assumes a standard house type and floor plan. We will let you know if additional modeling will be required to provide accurate recommendations. Special conditions may require additional details. Additional details $100/each. After receiving your documentation and completed form, we will let you know if additional work is required.